How To Reuse Senko Worms

Senko worms, which are soft plastic fishing baits, can be reused multiple times, depending on their condition and how they were used. If a Senko worm is still in good shape without significant damage or tearing, it can be reused for fishing. However, after catching a fish or experiencing wear and tear, the effectiveness of the bait may decrease. It’s a good idea to inspect the Senko worm for any damage before reusing it and replace it if necessary to maximize your chances of success while fishing.

However, yes you can reuse Senkos by melting them into new ones. See the video and tips below…

Remelting old senkos into new ones!

Steps to turn old senkos into new ones

  1. Safety precautions: Ensure you work in a well-ventilated area and wear appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and safety glasses, to protect yourself from hot plastic fumes and potential burns.
  2. Gather materials and equipment: You will need old plastic worms for melting, a heat-resistant container or mold, a heat source (such as a heat gun or melting pot), and new plastic material suitable for creating fishing worms. Soft plastic bait-making kits are available that include the necessary components.
  3. Prepare the plastic: Cut the old plastic worms into small pieces to facilitate melting. If you are using new plastic material, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for preparing it. Some plastics may require specific additives, colors, or softeners to achieve the desired consistency and durability.
  4. Melt the plastic: Using the appropriate heat source, gradually melt the plastic pieces or pellets in the heat-resistant container or melting pot. Take care not to overheat the plastic, as it can burn or release toxic fumes.
  5. Mold the new worms: Once the plastic has melted to a desired consistency, pour or inject it into the mold or shape you want for your new worms. This can be a custom-made mold or a pre-existing mold designed for soft plastic bait making.
  6. Cool and solidify: Allow the newly molded worms to cool and solidify. This can be done at room temperature or by using a cooling method, such as refrigeration or submerging them in cold water.
  7. Trim and finish: Once the worms have solidified, you can trim any excess plastic, smooth rough edges, and add details or paint if desired. Follow the specific instructions for the plastic material you are using.