How to Choose the Best Kayak for Deer Hunting

Deer hunting is a time consuming activity. You have to find a place to hunt, sit in the cold for hours and most importantly, have the patience to wait for the deer to wander into your sights. This is why hunting deer is best when done from a kayak. A kayak gets you access to hard to find spots where big deer like to hide and other lazy hunters don’t go.

The best kayak for deer hunting is the one that is the most comfortable, has an adequate weight capacity, and the best features for hunting.

These kind of bucks could be a lot closer with a kayak


Why use a kayak for hunting?

A kayak can offer many advantages over traditional hunting methods, such as a canoe or motorboat. For example, a kayak is much quieter than a motorboat, making it ideal for stalking prey. Kayaks are also much more maneuverable than a canoe, allowing you to get closer to your target and navigate shallow and narrower waterways. Plus, kayaks are much easier to transport than a canoe, making them ideal for hunting in remote areas.

The best kayak for deer hunting will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Truth from the stand gives a run down on his deer hunting rig, the NuCanoe F10

Factors to keep in mind when choosing a kayak for deer hunting

Kayak size

The best kayak size for deer hunting kayaks is 10 to 12 feet long and 30 inches wide. These kayaks are stable enough to stand and shoot from, but small enough to maneuver in tight spots. You will need a kayak that is large enough to comfortably accommodate all of your hunting gear.

Weight capacity

If you’re looking for a kayak that can accommodate a deer during hunting season, you’ll need to find one with a high weight capacity. Look for kayaks with a capacity of at least 500 pounds. You’ll also want to make sure the kayak is stable enough to handle a deer’s weight, so look for kayaks with a wide beam and a flat bottom. You will need a kayak that can support your weight, as well as the weight of your gear.


There are many factors to consider when choosing a kayak for deer hunting, such as weight capacity and stability. For a kayak to be stable, it needs a wide and flat bottom. It should also have a low center of gravity so that it doesn’t tip over easily. The weight capacity is important because you need to be able to carry all of your gear, including the deer, in the kayak.

A kayak that is too small will be unstable and difficult to paddle, while a kayak that is too large will be unwieldy and hard to maneuver. The best kayak for deer hunting is one that is the right size for you and your gear, and that is stable and easy to paddle.

You will need a kayak that is stable enough to handle rough water and windy conditions also.

stability is essential for that steady shot on land or water

Storage capacity

There are a few things to consider when choosing a kayak for deer hunting storage capacity. The first is the size of the kayak. You will need a kayak that is large enough to hold all of your gear, including your hunting rifle and any other equipment you may need, like a treestand.

The second is the type of storage. Some kayaks have built-in storage compartments, while others have external storage options. Make sure to choose a kayak that has the type of storage that best suits your needs.


A kayak can range in price from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. The most important thing to consider is what you will be using the kayak for. If you plan on using the kayak for deer hunting, then you will need to make sure that it is large enough to hold all of your gear. It should also be stable enough to handle rough water. There are a few kayaks on the market that are specifically designed for deer hunting. These kayaks are usually a bit more expensive, but they are worth the investment if you plan on using them for this purpose.

  • $200-$300 will get a general purpose recreational kayak with little to no features. This is a people and gear mover to get from point a to point b, nothing more.
  • $500-$700 is more middle of the road kayaks. These kayaks will have better quality materials and some desirable features such as more comfortable seating and storage options. These kayaks will generally not have a high weight capacity and not as much cockpit space. The Ascend brand of kayaks from Cabelas would fall in this category.
  • $1000 and up are puropse-built kayaks made for deer hunting or fishing. These kayaks come with lots of features and creature comforts with lots of customization and adjustability to suit your needs. These kayaks usually are wider and longer with a high weight capacity. These are going to be brands like NuCanoe, Old Town, and Hobie.


It should also have a warranty that covers damage from rocks, branches, and other debris. The longer the warranty period the better, this could be a deciding factor if two similar kayaks are on your list. Peace of mind in knowing your kayak will be in good condition is worth a lot. A better warranty also usually means a higher quality kayak.


Camouflage is important to help you blend in with your surroundings. Some kayaks come with camo hull colors while other kayaks may have bright hull colors. Remember to factor in painting or having extra camo netting to cover a hull that is not camoed from the factory.

Comfortable seating

Finally, a comfortable seat is key since you may be spending a long time in your kayak waiting for the perfect shot. Many hunting kayaks or even fishing kayaks have comfortable seats with mesh material and lots of built-in adjustabilities. This is one area to spend some money on, extra time in the woods or on the water means more chances for bagging that buck.

Pedal and paddle

Think about getting a trolling motor or pedal system if you will be paddling the kayak for long distances. A motor or pedal drive system saves time and energy. These systems will also allow you to hunt hands-free giving you more of a chance to aim and shoot without a paddle in hand. Regardless of what propulsions system you go with make sure to have a well-fitting comfortable life jacket on board!

paddles and life jackets make for fun and safe kayaking


We’ve touched on a variety of considerations for picking the best deer hunting kayak. Planning now for what to look for in a deer hunting kayak will save you time and trouble later.

So let’s hear it, have you hunted deer out of a kayak or boat?